Hong Kong citizens are highly encouraged to learn English. Being language proficient can be a major asset for a resident. and taking an English course may be a positive step in one’s career path.
Primary Education English Exercises for Primary 5 Students in Hong Kong
What makes a good English tutor?
Manhattan Elite appointed Hong Kong Most Outstanding Elite Education Centre Of The Year
Dse English reading tips and DSE reading sample papers
HKDSE English listening tips and sample papers
Tips for acing DSE maths with sample papers
Prepare like a pro for DSE English writing with tips and sample papers
How to prepare for the IGCSE maths exam?
Everything you need to know about IELTS in Hong Kong
Everything you need to know about DSE maths
DSE maths is the section of the HKDSE dedicated to mathematics. Students must take six years of education, where they study multiple required courses. These courses include the English language, Chinese language, liberal studies and mathematics. These courses lead up to a student’s final cumulative HKDSE exam.
What is a Guzheng?
The guzheng is a classic Chinese instrument that is classified as a zither. The instrument has anywhere between 15 to 25 strings and has been a prominent piece of music in eastern culture for centuries. The guzheng instrument has a rich history in Chinese society and music, and its continued popularity has created many resources for guzheng lessons.
Preparing for the HKDSE with DSE English past papers
Everything you need to know about DSE English training
The Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) is an exam that determines the level of knowledge students have after their experience in the academic system. Students are required to complete three years of junior secondary education, followed by three years of senior secondary education. During this time students will study a myriad of subjects, including the required Chinese language, English language, mathematics, and liberal studies. Students will also take three elective courses during this time.